Hinge Health 101: Digital Exercise Therapy for Pain Relief


Learn more about Hinge Health, how we are able to help reduce MSK pain, our clinical model and what you can expect as a member. While all are welcome to join the webinar, please note that you must be enrolled in your employer’s medical plan in order to participate in Hinge Health.

Coffee with the Coaches: Power in Your Posture**


Let’s talk about managing back pain. If you’re one of the many Lenovians who sit at a computer ALL day, you won’t want to miss this! Sitting all day wreaks havoc on our hips, posture and back and neck. Join us to learn proper sitting techniques, computer placement, and how to undo any damage that’s already been done.

Flu Shot Clinic

Whitsett; USFC Nurses Office, B1

Steer clear of the seasonal virus by getting your flu shot onsite!

Flu Shot Clinic

Morrisville, Building 8 Wellness Center

Steer clear of the seasonal virus by getting your flu shot onsite!